Cyberspace Poster Series



An abstract linear expression of the cyberpunk movement. This poster series looks to encapsulate the mass consumerism and dizzying technological evolution that William Gibson’s Neuromancer novels depicted.

To me, the cyberpunk theme is a feeling of blissful surrender, a constant rush of manufactured elation whilst drowning in an overstimulating sci-fi city. This impression is communicated through the neon linework and cluttered user interface hieroglyphs. Juxtaposed is the hyper graffiti-esque lettering less so communicating its actual word, but rather the speed at which the technology, marketing and advertisements need to be consumed in this fictitious industrial sprawl.

I often find myself pondering life in an ever moving, cognizant sci-fi city like those of Blade Runner and Akira. Accepting the idea of living as a small, insignificant story trapped in the downpour of time controlled by mass media, overconsumption and human temptation for an overdose of dopamine. The cyberpunk theme poses an important warning for society and the mindset of how we should action today to avoid actualising dystopian tropes.