‘Self’ Poster Series



The idea of ‘self’ is a journey. I believe self-talk to be one of humanity’s most powerful tools and especially for myself in shaping my own identity. The idea behind this series is to aid in facilitating a positive and real self-dialogue in others such that their first line of support can be themselves.

The meandering lines allow the viewer to pause and figure out the construct of the image. Similar to the act self reflection, the first step is often acknowledgement and understanding of self and accepting inner thoughts. The warm swirls of pinks, oranges and violets evokes the conflict and movement of emotion when acceptance of self-identity becomes untidy.

Accepting myself often felt like a constant balancing act between anxiety and self-guidance. And sometimes it becomes exhausting having to maintain mental clarity and not knowing whether my own self-dialogue was destructive or constructive. But what I realised was that more often than not, my thoughts to myself, about myself, about other entities, were sometimes all I had. I was the only one that had to experience them, feel them and respond to them.

So why not accept them?

I understand that last bit feels more like my personal diary that a design rationale, but truthfully I was struggling a lot with my own dialogue when I felt the need to create this series.

My goal as a human and designer has always been to leave a lasting positive impact on the world and on other people. And hopefully this series has some sort of contribution to that sentiment.